Words & phrases with religious significance starting with the letter B.
Many of these terms may actually be Arabic or Wolofized Arabic. Many Wolof speakers practice Islam which uses the Arabic language.
baakaar, bakaar - sin, evil
baawaan - religious ceremony to pray for rain
Baay Faal - a type of Mourit (Mouride) follower, characterized by long hair (dreadlocks), etc.
baraka - blessing
baraka Alla, barak’Allah fik - with God’s blessing, may the blessings of Allah be upon you (used to thank someone)
barke - blessing
barkeel - to benefit from a blessing
bataaaxal, bataxel - letter, circular letter (generally prophesying the future)
bayere - a charm for happiness; to be popular
biddaa - belief, superstition
billaay, billaxi - by God
bisimilaay, bisimilayi, bisimilaahi - in the name of God
bismillah ar rahman ar rahim - in Allah’s name most gracious most merciful
bootal - man in charge of newly circumcised boys
boroom daara - head of a religious school
bu soobee Yalla - if it pleases God
See Religious Terms 1.
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